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Frequently Asked Questions

I cannot find my part in Stock? I'm looking for a part and can't find it on your website?

If the part you are seeking is not in stock then please go to our Contact Us form with a request for ETA on the Part Number you need. Or email us directly at

When will this part be in stock? Do you have an Estimated Time of Arrival for out of stock Part Numbers?

Please go to our Contact Us form with and fill out a request in order to receive an ETA (estimated time of arrival) on the Part Number you need. Or email us directly at

I'm trying to get PARTS for a discontinued fixture — what else can I do?

We make every effort to maintain a PARTS inventory for 24 months after a product is discontinued. As a fixture gets older the demand for replacement parts can rise and manufacturing "old technology" PARTS ultimately becomes cost prohibitive, conflicting with our VALUE proposition. It is often possible to purchase older (discontinued) fixtures inexpensively from private sources (EBay etc) with a view to stripping fixtures for parts.

I've been waiting for a few weeks for parts, why does it take so long?

Sometimes our factories are unable to find reasonably priced components to manufacturer replacement PARTS. Please send an email to Customer Service referencing the Sales Order number and the name of the fixture you are trying to repair. The Customer Service Manager will seek an alternative solution that might be acceptable and respond within 24 hours.

Can I get a wiring diagram for a fixture?

Wiring and component diagrams are confidential and not generally published.

If I do my own repairs will I void my Warranty?


Why can't I buy a Laser diode from you — I bought the machine from you?

The sale of lasers to general public is prohibited by Federal Government. If you have a license to manufacture or repair, please make enquiry via our CUSTOMER SERVICE MANGER including a copy of your "official name of the form" required. Opening your laser machine will void your warranty - please contact customer service and request a Return to Manufacturer Authorization. (RMA)

I ordered the wrong part, how can I return it?

Please go to our Contact Us form and request a return. Or email us directly at Please note that all returns are subject to a 25% restocking fee.

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